This is dandy fine. I award you with ten silver points because this is awesome amazing good
This is dandy fine. I award you with ten silver points because this is awesome amazing good
Nice, Whitington, but you're ignoring the bigger picture.
1 point off for ignoring the bigger picture
Ok, seriously
Please stop ruining Logan Whitehurst's songs. Nice use of the tween feature, by which I mean cut it out. Better luck next time, and I hope there won't be a next time.
What tribute?
I'm kind of confused. There's no animation here. Where's the animation?
By which I mean, where's the imaginative spirit Logan encouraged? This is a vague effort towards something good, yet it falls flat on its face. What's with all the type flying towards us? And the old-timey theater scribbles everywhere? This isn't a tribute. It barely has passable animation. The only reason this got fourth place was because of Logan's amusing recording, and had this actually been an entertaining animation to go along with Farkle it would've gotten a higher rating. The sentiment is here, but sentiment doesn't mean you can just write "RIP Logan" on a piece of paper, shit on it, and call it a tribute. I miss Logan too, but this and your done-in-one-day OHMYGODIMONFIRE video just aggravate me.
Next time, try redrawing a picture. Try new, original poses, instead of tweens. And for Gods' sakes, cut it out with the incessant type!
But, hey, at least you tried, I'll.. barely give you that.
Aw man. What was that?
Come on. I understand that you did it in a night, but doesn't this song (and Logan) deserve better than this? Tweening and scrolling words does not make a good animation. You get two points, for the interesting looking dirt scrawlings. It was the best looking thing in the animation. Rest in Peace, Logan.
mmmm, sure
I feel kind of bad saying this, what with you working hard on the lip sync and everything, but the lip sync didn't match up properly. The style isn't my kind of thing either, but good work. At least you got a frontpage out of this.
Holy sex!
This was amazing. You are truly original. Anyone who gives you a low rating on this is wrong.
That is one FANTASTIC animation my fair Scobman, you should win an award!
Not the best.
It was ok. I was already familiar with the music, so I knew what to expect, but this wasn't anything like what I expected. Seems like halfway through you just decided that it was essentially done and reused the same movie clip over and over. The mean face, being used over and over, made me kind of irritated too. Maybe it's just me, but this just wasn't that good. Sorry. Try drawing more than 3 or 4 facial expressions next time.
Joined on 7/3/06